Source stall at Body and Soul Fair

Source aims to connect spiritual seekers with the transforming love and power of God in creative learning encounters.
Source will be at the Glasgow Royal Concert Hall on Saturday, men’s health offering free appointments for dream interpretation, therapy healing, more about spiritual art and hand massage. If you are around, drop in and say hello! Unfortunately, we can’t be there on the Sunday as well, but other events will be listed on this page as they come up!

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Source is visiting St Andrews!

The next course of ‘Listening to the Spirit of Jesus’ will begin on Sunday 29th of April, ampoule dysentery and will take place from 7-9pm in Whiteinch Burgh Halls, 35 Inchlee Street, G14 9QG. Please email me to book a place
There will be a new ‘Listening to the Spirit of Jesus’ course starting in Kilwinning on Tuesday nights, pills starting next we
A huge thank you to all who came and visited our stall yesterday, sildenafil sadly we won’t be able to be there today, but it was so lovely to meet you all!

One lady came for a massage, which released healing to her and she walked off actually holding her crutches instead of walking with them for support, because she felt so much better. A couple of people commented on the accuracy of our dream interpretations and other insights, and many were encouraged and blessed.

A huge thank you as well to my fantastic team, you were truly wonderful. Our next events are the taster evening on Monday 27th August and we will be taking a stall at a fair in Clydebank on the 1st September – more on these soon!
A huge thank you to all who came and visited our stall yesterday, sildenafil sadly we won’t be able to be there today, but it was so lovely to meet you all!

One lady came for a massage, which released healing to her and she walked off actually holding her crutches instead of walking with them for support, because she felt so much better. A couple of people commented on the accuracy of our dream interpretations and other insights, and many were encouraged and blessed.

A huge thank you as well to my fantastic team, you were truly wonderful. Our next events are the taster evening on Monday 27th August and we will be taking a stall at a fair in Clydebank on the 1st September – more on these soon!
After a few trips to Ayrshire and even Livingston, Gastritis
Source is in St Andrews this week, creating spiritual art, healing, and dream interpreting among other things. if you got one of our postcards and are checking out the site, it was so great to meet so many lovely folks!

The seashore photo was taken by my friend Ruth from objects I collected around the British Isles for their beauty and interest. I love the tactile quality, how the different textures can soothe and relax, how light and shade play off each type of surface, the occasional sparkle or irridescent gleam… each of these objects has a journey to share with us, and the meditation draws us deeper into what nature has to teach us and bless us with.

Meditation is an ancient practice that has been around for thousands of years. It is a practice that can be at odds with our busy lives, but taken a step at a time, will bring a rich flow of peace and joy into your life.

It is best to find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed, and to take time to relax. Breathe deeply and slowly.

The focus of the meditation in this case is the Creator, as we believe he is the purest love and light, and source of all life.

Object Meditation

Often the Creator communicates with us through the physical world around us, through nature, art, people and many other ways.

1. Choose an object that interests you, like one suggested in the photograph, perhaps a stone, stick or shell. Ask the Creator to speak to you about it. Hold it in your hand, study it closely and record your responses.

2. Make notes on the detail of the shape, size, colour and texture. Does it have other properties? What do you think is important about all these aspects?

3. What journey has this object been on in its life? Where did it originally come from and what has happened to it to make it the way it is now?

4. What message could this object have for those on a spiritual journey? Does other symbolic or metaphorical significance come to mind?

This exercise can easily be done at home or in a group. Have fun looking out for interesting objects, and enjoy the stillness and space that will nourish your soul!

This meditation was produced by Source, a spiritual community focused on meditation, spiritual exercises, creativity, journalling, soaking music and fellowship as ways of exploring our spiritual development.

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New LSJ Course in Kilwinning

There will be a new ‘Listening to the Spirit of Jesus’ course starting in Kilwinning on Tuesday nights, stuff mind starting next week. If you are interested, please contact me for more information!

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Next Course Dates

There will be a new ‘Listening to the Spirit of Jesus’ course starting in Kilwinning on Tuesday nights, stuff mind starting next week. If you are interested, please contact me for more information!
We are starting to run training events for those interested in leading the course ‘Listening to the Spirit of Jesus’. You are warmly invited to the next event which takes place on Sunday the 17th April at 2.30 – 5.00pm Whiteinch Burgh Halls, dosage G14 9QG.

You will find out how to run a course in your area and get a pack of exciting materials to take away!
To book a place, condom email, quoting LSJ training.
There is no charge for this event, but an offering will be taken to cover costs.
Hope to see you there!
We are starting to run training events for those interested in leading the course ‘Listening to the Spirit of Jesus’. You are warmly invited to the next event which takes place on Sunday the 17th April at 2.30 – 5.00pm Whiteinch Burgh Halls, capsule G14 9QG.

You will find out how to run a course in your area and get a pack of exciting materials to take away!
To book a place, more about email, quoting LSJ training.
There is no charge for this event, but an offering will be taken to cover costs.
Hope to see you there!
The next course of ‘Listening to the Spirit of Jesus’ will begin on Sunday 29th of April, disorder and will take place from 7-9pm in Whiteinch Burgh Halls, 35 Inchlee Street, G14 9QG. Please email me to book a place –
Looking forward to seeing you there!


Posted in Listening to the Spirit of Jesus | 1 Comment

Source Training

There will be a new ‘Listening to the Spirit of Jesus’ course starting in Kilwinning on Tuesday nights, stuff mind starting next week. If you are interested, please contact me for more information!
We are starting to run training events for those interested in leading the course ‘Listening to the Spirit of Jesus’. You are warmly invited to the next event which takes place on Sunday the 17th April at 2.30 – 5.00pm Whiteinch Burgh Halls, dosage G14 9QG.

You will find out how to run a course in your area and get a pack of exciting materials to take away!
To book a place, condom email, quoting LSJ training.
There is no charge for this event, but an offering will be taken to cover costs.
Hope to see you there!

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Listening to the Spirit of Jesus

We have been having a great time these last six months, viagra dosage running a Source team at ARC in the Whiteinch Centre on Fridays, but for those of you who can’t make this , we are again holding one

Lion Rampant Logo

Passion about?

You don’t have to stand to long in a football crowd in Scotland to know that as a nation we do not lack passion! Whether it is the songs we sing or the banter that flies about, approved
it doesn’t take long to know that you are in a nation that loves it’s football.

Sadly that is not always what is seen when you turn up at Church on a Sunday. Passion, recipe
vitality, purposeful, intensity or fun – all words that seem to be missing from most people’s experience of Church. But that is about to change ….

Lion Rampant is a network of passionate men and women seeking to pioneer a series of Christian communities in the fan base of the main football teams in Scotland. This is not about handing out leaflets outside the stadium. Nor is it about gathering the Christian supporters before matches for a word of prayer. It is about deliberately and intentionally training, equipping and releasing Christian football fans to reach the men and women at their own club.

Calling all the Bears, the Bhoys, Arabs or even a few Saints!

So, is this something you would be interested in finding out about, or even getting involved in? If so we are looking for you to get in touch.

Alan McWilliam is the person leading Lion Rampant and he would love to hear from you. You can contact Alan by emailing him at

Lion Rampant Logo

Passion about?

You don’t have to stand to long in a football crowd in Scotland to know that as a nation we do not lack passion! Whether it is the songs we sing or the banter that flies about, order
it doesn’t take long to know that you are in a nation that loves it’s football.

Sadly that is not always what is seen when you turn up at Church on a Sunday. Passion, pharmacy
vitality, find
purposeful, intensity or fun – all words that seem to be missing from most people’s experience of Church. But that is about to change ….

Lion Rampant is a network of passionate men and women seeking to pioneer a series of Christian communities in the fan base of the main football teams in Scotland. This is not about handing out leaflets outside the stadium. Nor is it about gathering the Christian supporters before matches for a word of prayer. It is about deliberately and intentionally training, equipping and releasing Christian football fans to reach the men and women at their own club.

Calling all the Bears, the Bhoys, Arabs or even a few Saints!

So, is this something you would be interested in finding out about, or even getting involved in? If so we are looking for you to get in touch.

Alan McWilliam is the person leading Lion Rampant and he would love to hear from you. You can contact Alan by using the form below:

[contact-form 1 “Contact form 1”]
This meditation was produced by Source, allergist
a spiritual community focused on meditation, pilule
spiritual exercises, physiotherapy
creativity, journalling, soaking music and fellowship as ways of exploring our spiritual development.
We also offer dream interpretation, healing, spiritual readings and art, and hand massage, and often attend fairs or other venues with our stall, which offers free appointments.
We also run courses and workshops in spiritual development, these are advertised on the website.
For more information, please email

Source is running a seven week course called ‘Listening to the Spirit of Jesus’. This course covers the following topics:

  • A variety of methods for connecting to the Spirit of Jesus including types of meditation and spiritual exercises
  • How to receive wisdom, approved guidance, ailment healing and miracles from the Spirit of Jesus
  • Understanding of the spiritual realm and how to access it
  • Spiritual tools for vision and dream interpretation

There is time allocated to practice what you learn and answer any questions you may have. This course will run from Monday 17th January, 7.30 – 9.30 at the old Burgh Halls, 35 Inchlee St, Whiteinch, G14 9QG. There is ample parking and it is extremely close to bus links on Dumbarton Road. The course is free, but a suggested donation of £3 per night to cover costs are welcome.

To book a place, please email Hope to see you there!

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